Buckwheat diet — menu compilation

the essence of buckwheat diet

Diet is buckwheat has long been able to prove yourself and get widely demanded. The efficacy of the diet is that it displays the water from the body, improves digestion and normalizes the stomach. Correctly prepared menu and diet can help you shed those extra kg and this is the path to health.

How to correctly weight of buckwheat, without damaging the body, how to eat him and which at the best is to eat, we look forward to the article.

If useful diet buckwheat?

Buckwheat — the most useful, low-calorie product. Calories this accounts for 70 — 150 Kcal.

The effectiveness of weight loss lies in its composition. High in iron, potassium, vitamins and protein to enrich the body beneficial trace elements and heals it. The product performs a kind of "cleaning" the body and five out of the šlakid and any "garbage" in the gastrointestinal tract.

Buckwheat diet is indicated for the treatment of not only the pill, but also various diseases of the organism. Losing weight recommended to nutritionists and other medical experts, because the product reduces the cholesterol levels in the blood, cleanses the liver, improves the complexion. Also diet is depicted in the various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The efficiency of buckwheat methodology lies in this, that the product suppresses hunger, sheer and saturated. This food can be eaten throughout the day, but the dosing and periodically. The menu and recipes, the diet must be carefully thought out, to the daily food was rich and delicious.

How much is possible to lose weight?

Correctly compiled program weight of buckwheat diet allows you to throw nasty kg, not reducing muscle mass. The following system tablets one of the very easy and tasty product allows you to lose weight 7 - 10 kg a week.

Note that the efficiency must comply with the following conditions:

  1. Drink lots of water — 2 liters per day.
  2. Delete juices and sweet water, is a welcome, addicting way.
  3. Eat small portions.
  4. Do not eat too.
  5. Isn't there 2.5 hours before bedtime.
  6. Exclude alcohol.
  7. Consume at least salt.
  8. Eliminate all products which are not mentioned in the menu.
  9. Recommended mandatory physical exercises (swimming, at home exercises, running, gymnastics, etc. ap)

Menu and diet 7 days

Weight buckwheat has its own characteristics. The product can be used in different forms: cooked, sprouted, grilled, is yogurt. But the best option is to pour it over the boiling water and continue to yearn.

There buckwheat diet pills 14 days, the menu is every day, what are their differences and peculiarities. All depends on the attention: the rapid body weight weight loss or treatment weight change health.

But in this case it comes to get rid of unnecessary kg the fastest period in accordance with the number of days that such diet is equal to 7.

>So, buckwheat diet — the menu of the week (breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner).

1 day pills

  1. buckwheat and 1 egg, tea;
  2. Buckwheat soup and 150 baked vegetables;
  3. 1 banana
  4. fermented product — 0%

2 day

  1. buckwheat, 150 g curd, green tea;
  2. stews are buckwheat 170 g;
  3. 2 apples;
  4. buckwheat casserole.

3 days

  1. mash with milk, 1 egg, green tea.
  2. eat buckwheat cutlets ahjuviljadega;
  3. 2 baked apples.

4 days

  1. milk soup with buckwheat;
  2. mash with vegetables and 150 g of cooked bacon;
  3. fermented product — 0%

5 days diet

  1. porridge and black bread with a slice of cheese;
  2. 1 banana
  3. soup with vegetables and 150 hat; cutlets, bacon (a couple of);
  4. kefir 0%.

6 days

  1. 150 g curd cheese, buckwheat pancakes;
  2. soup with buckwheat and vegetables of the pair;
  3. fermented product — 0%

7 days diet:

  1. the morning to eat buckwheat is yogurt, green tea;
  2. vegetable soup, 1 slice of black bread;
  3. casserole is buckwheat — 120 g and 1 ref yogurt 0%;

Such a diet, which is correctly selected in the menu allows you to throw a couple of kg per week and improve the body. Excessive weight loss be in compliance with all the rules, what is described above.

No Amateur! That weight is of his came back and it was necessary to stand up on the table well fed. If a person goes hungry, the benefits of the diet is minimized and the extra pounds are going to chase again.

Note that if you have decided to lose weight the fast deadlines, can be used in the morning yogurt and buckwheat. But such weight loss is only allowed 5 days, not more.

How to use: half a cup of the product pour the yogurt and to soak in the evening. In the morning take on an empty stomach. The next meal after 2 hours.

Buckwheat diet 5 days menu each day (breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner):

1 day pills

  1. grits, which filled yogurt
  2. 150 g fillets of lean fish ahjuviljadega;
  3. 1 low-fat unsweetened yogurt;
  4. salad of raw vegetables.

2 day

  1. groats is yogurt
  2. soup water; 150 g baked vegetables;
  3. apple;
  4. fermented product 0-1%

3-day slimming

  1. groats is yogurt
  2. 200 g cooked porridge and a bit of raw vegetables;
  3. natural yogurt;
  4. 130 g chicken breast, bacon and a little salad.

4 days

  1. groats is yogurt
  2. vegetable soup, cereals, and vegetables a few;
  3. orange;
  4. 1 yogurt 3-4%.

5 days

  1. groats is yogurt
  2. 150 g baked chicken breast with vegetables;
  3. salad with apples and carrots;
  4. kefir 0%.


Effectively slimming is necessary to reduce salt use and oil. The salt remains liquid in the body, which prevents weight.

Throw a couple of kg will help delicious recipes. Their efficiency is encapsulated in the utility, low-calorie, flavor characteristics and enrichment diet for losing weight.

Buckwheat diet recipes pills:

Casserole tablets:


  • 100 g of buckwheat;
  • 100 g yogurt;
  • carrot — 1 pc;
  • the apple — 1 pc;
  • egg — 1 pc;
  • plums — 4 pcs.;
  • add spices and salt to taste.


  1. Boil buckwheat and carrot.
  2. Next mix in blender with 1 egg and yogurt.
  3. Add plums, apples, buckwheat and carrot.
  4. All mix, add salt.
  5. All put in a baking dish.
  6. Bake for about 30 minutes.
  7. On take out, give cool and put in the fridge.

The soup recipe is buckwheat:


  • 400 g chicken (or food fillet of beef);
  • onion — 1 pc;
  • carrot — 1 pc;
  • celery — 1 pc;
  • paul cup buckwheat;
  • potatoes — 3 pcs, water, salt, rast. oil.


  1. Bake the fillets.
  2. Further, in the hot frying pan put the chopped onion, carrot.
  3. Tortured them for 5 minutes, but not to fry (pre-adding a little after the oil pan.
  4. Put to boil the pot, which is juicy water.
  5. We look forward to cooking. My buckwheat.
  6. Cut potatoes into cubes.
  7. On boiling the liquid put the potatoes.
  8. After boiling, add semolina.
  9. After boiling add the remaining ingredients: purified pieces of meat, bacon, carrot, celery.
  10. Salt. Set on fire.
  11. Bake until ready.

Recipe cutlets out of buckwheat menu:


  • 0,5 hg buckwheat;
  • water — 1 ref;
  • onion — 1 pc;
  • egg — 1 pc;
  • vegetable oil and salt;


  1. Boil buckwheat.
  2. Blender.
  3. Cut the onion.
  4. All the mix.
  5. Add to the resulting mass of flour and pepper.
  6. Mix and let cool.
  7. form cutlets.
  8. Fry in vegetable oil on both sides. Oil is not abuse.

Buckwheat menu contains and other useful recipes for losing weight. Buckwheat pancakes perfectly suitable pills. Menu breakfast can be added both to the recipe:


  • buckwheat krupa — 1 ref;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • flour — 1 teaspoon of hg;
  • add salt to taste.


  1. Boil buckwheat, pre-wash it.
  2. Clean the potatoes, rub on a small grater.
  3. Next, squeeze this, by removing the juice.
  4. Mix all together with cooked porridge.
  5. Next, add the flour, salt and spices.
  6. Leave for 15 min.
  7. Fry both sides in oil for 3-4 minutes.
  8. Do not forget to cover the lid, to the single.

Diet is buckwheat may have even more grain, made with vegetables.

The recipe is a delicious mash with vegetables


  • buckwheat krupa — 1 ref;
  • vegetables (sweet pepper, 1 tomato, carrots 1 pc., celery, parsley, zucchini);
  • 1 onion;
  • add salt to taste.


  1. Boil buckwheat until soft.
  2. Let him yearn for.
  3. After fry over low heat in a pan the onion and carrot.
  4. Add celery, zucchini, 1 tomato.
  5. Fry stirring occasionally until soft.
  6. Then add the pan of buckwheat.
  7. Sprinkle all the green.
  8. Mixture. Cook for another 5-7 minutes.

Thanks to this rich selection of recipes, any of the menu did not seem fresh and monotonous.


Buckwheat diet pills is incredibly efficient and useful. It enriches the body, save it extra kg, slagging, improve intestinal, normalizes chair. Diet is buckwheat activates various body functions and improve their work.

Buckwheat diet deserve the most positive feedback. The results are people who have dropped weight this kind of diet, mind-boggling and enchanting. Weight buckwheat is calculated for certain periods. All depends on the weight class of weight.

The above-described buckwheat diet may be intermittent periods: 3 days, week, weeks, within, 14 days of buckwheat diet, 30 days diet. The choice of frequency depends on the goal of losing weight and health weight.